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inner astral plane (article)

The inner astral plane is the main focus of human endeavor. That makes sense with its designation as bardos, which has to do with selecting the circumstances of one's rebirth, but it can also be regarded as selecting the circumstances of one's life while in a body.

How to Be a Gentleman: A Timely Guide to Timeless Manners

"While the tenets of gracious behavior never change, the situations a gentleman faces do and have changed significantly in the last ten years" -- amazon.

letting God make the decisions

request: instead of trying to control them

Kohen / Mr. Spock hand mudra

Request: Many recognize the Mr. Spock Vulcan "Salute," but it was actually a hand mudra used by the Kohen (Jewish priests / healers) to channel healing energy. Separating the fingers & thumb into three divisions represents the 3 columns of the Kabbalah Tree of Life.


an event that results in total destruction; the state of being decayed or destroyed; a bleak and desolate atmosphere; sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned -

fruits, vegetables

Calibrated as food, i.e. culinary definition (not botanical).

Man's Search For Himself, by Rollo May

"an illuminating view of our predicament in an age of overwhelming anxieties and gives guidance on how to choose, judge, and act during such times" -- amazon.

resistance is control

It has been said all suffering is due to resistance. Then why resist? It's for want of control. This ego posture persists until all control is surrendered to God.

“Beliefs are the determinant of what you experience.” David R. Hawkins

From book “The Map of Consciousness Explained” page 298

statement: reality is eternally beautiful

Calibrated alternately with lower-case "r" and upper-case "R."


the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something; activity involved in maintaining something in good working order; attention and management implying responsibility for safety --

level: feelings / instincts are the source of life

Request: “But if my body tells me I’m hungry and I don’t eat I’ll die!”

reject condemnation (article)

Rejection and disapproval are in the level of courage, the "battleground" of keeping healthy boundaries intact. Doc calibrated disapproval at 240 in TvF. He contrasted "disapprove" with "condemn," assigning the former to "higher mind" and the latter to "ego mind."

higher calibration doesn't mean better

Doc reminded us. We forget.

healthy boundaries

Part of integrity, whether for a person or a country.