Free Tier

mantra: Thy will be done

Asking that God’s will be done is a demonstration of our trust that He knows what is best. It is a statement of submission to God’s ways and His plans. We ask for our will to be conformed to His --


Priority request: the state of being free of the effects of drugs and alcohol.


"the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy" -- Google dictionary.

social worker (occupation)

Social workers held about 751,900 jobs in 2023 -- Brave AI. Request: I wonder If it is in the 200s or 300s. Also an important profession that helps many people.

Good Energy, by Casey Means

The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health. Request: Our ability to prevent and reverse these conditions - and feel incredible today - is under our control and simpler than we think.

AwakenWithJP (YouTube channel)

JP Sears' spiritual satire with 1.6 million subscribers (1/2021). Update: 3 million subs, now with cultural and political satire.

Seasons in the Sun, sung by Terry Jacks

Priority request: Hit song from 1974: "We had joy, we had fun / We had seasons in the sun / But the hills that we climbed / Were just seasons out of time."

Star Sky- Two Steps From Hell

Priority request: One of the most exhilarating songs I've ever listened to.


"having one's thoughts or attention drawn away : unable to concentrate or give attention to something... harassed, confused, or deranged especially by strong feelings" -- merriam-webster.

Ganges river

"the Ganges River..., on the physical level, is the recipient of the sewage of over one hundred villages, towns, and cities along its course...

doing nothing as a spiritual practice

Leads to the discovery that you are not the doer.

"Non-Violent Communication" as taught by Marshall Rosenberg

Priority request. See embedded video for a sample lecture. The principles taught are calibrated.

childfree / voluntary childlessness

"the voluntary choice not to have children" -- wikipedia.

T/F: weather modification is being used to generate things like floods and hurricanes

Priority request. "Weather modification is the act of intentionally manipulating or altering the weather" -- wikipedia.


Priority request: It seems like a very significant milestone in consciousness when one stops and thinks, "How would I feel if someone did that to me?"