"to walk straight ahead no matter what" (Zen saying)
"Within the context of one's dedication to spiritual truth" -- by request.
Chinese Medicine for the Mind, by Nina Cheng
A Science-Backed Guide to Improving Mental Health with Traditional Chinese Medicine-Includes 35+ Herbal Formulas for Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, and More. Priority request.
Peace Corps
brings together skilled, committed Volunteers with welcoming host communities for service opportunities in more than 60 countries -- peacecorps.gov.
"I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy"
Request: The thing being discussed is so bad that no one deserves to be subjected to it. I said this when I learned an old boss had skin cancer. I didn't get along with the guy much, but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
oregano oil health benefits
Request: "potent antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Rich in antioxidants, it can help boost the immune system and combat infections. Additionally, oregano oil may aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, and even support respiratory health."
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
The biggest, non-governmental, non-profit, charity organization in Poland raising money for pediatric and elderly care -- wikipedia.
World Central Kitchen (charity)
Request: "created a new model for disaster relief helping devastated communities recover and establish resilient food systems." They are currently operating to help those affected by the crisis in Ukraine. Are they worth donating to?
mantra: I am in Christ, and Christ is in me
Priority request: a shortened form of John 14:20, that has brought much relief.
"A crucifix (from Latin cruci fixus, meaning "one fixed to a cross") is a cross with a representation of Jesus' body, or corpus. It is a principal symbol of the Christian religion, primarily used in the Catholic, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox Churches" -- wikipedia.
candle light
Classy, romantic, emotionally satisfying …
AFD - Alternative für Deutschland Party
Request: Political movements, especially controversial ones like the AfD, contribute to the collective energy of a country. Understanding their energetic frequency can help determine whether they elevate or lower the national vibrational state.
bad breath / halitosis
By request.
identifying with a role
At this level, one is motivated to behave according to a predetermined, fixed set of rules, expectations and functions.
Randy Newman - You’ve got a friend in me
Request: This song brings me joy. Very wholesome.
"I let Christ let go for me"
Request: I've found this helpful to deal with stuff I wasn't really able to let go of on my own.