By request

anxiety is an aversion to fear

Request: Could it be that the someone experiences ‘anxiety’ because there’s an aversion to confront fear? Seems paradoxical that the experience of anxiety is rooted in a resistance to experiencing it! Is there any Truth in this?

Switched-On Living, by Jerry Teplitz

Request: Teplitz and his seminars / programs were mentioned by Doc in several of his lectures as useful examples / demonstrations of AK [Applied Kinesiology].

central nervous system

the part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord, the retina and optic nerve, and the olfactory nerve and epithelia -- wikipedia.

B. K. S. Iyengar

Priority request. "an Indian teacher of yoga and author. He is the founder of the style of yoga as exercise, known as 'Iyengar Yoga', and was considered one of the foremost yoga gurus in the world" -- wikipedia.

ayahuasca ceremony

Priority request. Psychotropic beverage served up by a shaman. Also, calibration of ayahuasca.

T/F: implementation of AI is an imminent threat to humanity's way of life and standard of living

Priority request. Will AI eliminate jobs and displace workers?

Oliver Nino, the Spiritual Activator

Priority request. "In testimonials, his clients state that they have progressed more from just one healing session or from his 30-day program than from decades of therapy and personal development" --

Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman

Priority request. Daniel Kahneman, world-famous psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think -- amazon.

mantra: Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung

translated to mean "Sun, Moon, Earth, Infinity: All that is in infinity, I am Thee." This is a relatively modern mantra as it was first heard in the summer of 1973. It is also known as the Siri Gaitri mantra -- yogapedia.

average level of increase in consciousness during education at universities

Request: As a student I’m wondering where these places and involvement in their systems generally lead us.

cheering your own post / comment

Request: I don't understand why the option is there?

withholding a like on social media

Request: It's like the heart says YES, but the mind says NO.

midnight snack

Request: Sometimes the body enjoys finding tasty nibbles at night 🦝

Alan Carr's Easyway method

Request: A method to quit addictions without willpower. He has many books for specific additions like smoking, over eating, vaping, drinking etc.

We don't need to handle the events...

We just need to handle the feelings about the events. Request: Will events take care of themselves? Paraphrased from healing and recovery - handling major life crises.