By request

"eat the frog" method

While there’s more power and nuance to this method than meets the eye, it all boils down to this: Identify one important task for the day and do it first --

"Let me assure you again that the Buddha dwells not in light..."

From Huangbo on the Transmission of Mind, translated by John Blofeld.

Generation Z

Generation Z teenagers are more concerned than older generations with academic performance and job prospects, and are better at delaying gratification than their counterparts from the 1960s, despite concerns to the contrary -- wikipedia.

Millennials / Generation Y

As the first generation to grow up with the Internet, Millennials have also been described as the first global generation. The generation is generally marked by elevated usage of and familiarity with the Internet, mobile devices, and social media -- wikipedia.


Having the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; sagacious.

energy field of an in-person 12-step meeting

Request: The field 12 steppers are exposed to which silently heals them and provides spiritual information. Each field, by god's grace, provides a unique kind of love, healing and integrity depending on the fellowship's purpose.

T/F: spontaneous human combustion is caused by kundalini energy gone awry

Priority request: This idea was taught to me by a Christian mystic who cautioned me against practicing kundalini techniques from the East.

Life Transformer healing crystals

Priority request. "developed so that everyone, easily and inexpensively, can receive some of the benefits of HK™ [Healing Kinesiology] bioenergetic balancing. Please note that nothing religious or spiritual is used" --

Happy Pocket Full of Money, by David Gikandi

"Learn to use an internal mantra to build wealth consciousness. Practice conscious and deliberate thoughts and intentions. Decide, define, and set goals you can believe in. Practice gratitude, giving, and faith, and experience abundance and joy in your life" -- amazon. Priority request.

rooibos herbal tea

Priority request. "The tea has been popular in Southern Africa for generations, and since the 2000s has gained popularity internationally. The tea has an earthy flavour that is similar to yerba mate or tobacco" -- wikipedia.

statement: suffering is grace

How best to hold suffering? Priority request.

asking God to help others

Request: When you see the suffering of another person, ask God to help them. Is it good to do it or is it better to believe that God will help them anyways and not pray for them?

internal monologue

Request: Apparently, some people have it and some don't. Is it only available within a certain range? Is there any meaningful difference between having it and not having it?

"life is difficult"

The emotion can be handled effectively over 200, but under 200 one focuses on problems.

integrating Doc’s work is all one needs to reach enlightenment

Simply having Doc's work on your bookshelf is not enough.