By request

Keir Starmer

Request: Head of the Labour party. Recently taken office in the UK as its new Prime Minister.


“a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons” - Oxford dictionary.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

Request: presents a process for communicating with empathy, honesty, and clarity. It aims to promote mutual understanding and peaceful resolution in personal and professional relationships.

food allergies

Request: I have been told my whole life I am severely allergic to peanuts. It seems like part of me must subconsciously believe in them. At what level are they healed?

generative AI

a type of artificial intelligence technology that can produce various types of content, including text, imagery, audio and synthetic data --

sharing the life and teachings of Jesus Christ to help guide someone to salvation

Priority request: vs. sharing things of enlightenment to someone. Is it more helpful to share the gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ to guide someone to salvation or to share things of enlightenment?

level: no longer sabotaging yourself

Priority request: Seems like a high pass, where one would be free of all self hatred to the degree he no longer gets in his own way unconsciously.

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try."

Attributed to Beverly Sills. By request.

mantra: I am loving Awareness

Request: Ram Dass' famous spiritual practice.


Like other mystic and Sufi poets of Persian literature, Rumi's poetry speaks of love which infuses the world -- wikipedia.

T/F: the Sandy Hook shooting was a CIA operation

Various conspiracy theorists have claimed that the December 2012 massacre in Newtown, Connecticut was actually orchestrated by the U.S. government as part of an elaborate plot to promote stricter gun control laws -- wikipedia.

Pandemic (board game)

"In 'Pandemic', several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world! The players are disease-fighting specialists whose mission is to treat disease hotspots while researching cures for each of four plagues before they get out of hand." -

Atlantean Secrets, by Samuel Sagan

Request: A book series on consciousness. Very respected author and the claims of reading the book series will allow you to tap into different worlds of consciousness. Says that much how the humans of today mastered the physical world, the Atlanteans mastered the world of consciousness.

mantra: asato mā sadgamaya, tamaso mā jyotirgamaya, mṛtyormā'mṛtaṃ gamaya

From falsehood lead me to truth, From darkness lead me to light, From death lead me to immortality.

Theology For Beginners, by F.J. Sheed

"After showing how God is Spirit, he examines God’s infinity and man’s creation from nothing, and then moves on to the Trinity, the Fall, the Incarnation and Redemption, the Mystical Body, Grace and the Sacraments, and the Last Things."