By request

Hermann Hesse

"His best-known works include Demian, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of which explores an individual's search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality" -- wikipedia.

jihad (meaning)

"In Islam, a meritorious struggle or effort. Although in the West it is sometimes erroneously translated as ‘holy war’ and understood as referring exclusively to military combat, Islamic texts yield a broader array of meanings connected to moral and ethical struggles" --

From Suffering to Joy: The Path of the Heart

"a method of self-discovery that can help bring harmony to your life and help you build truly intimate relationships." by Prem Baba, 2013.

Robert Smalley

Claim: Robert is fully acknowledged and empowered as a true teacher of natural spiritual truth by his own spiritual attainment, rather than by external authority. He is a model of spiritual achievement through spiritual self-cultivation.

wanting something but also not wanting it at the same time

Request: For all of my adult life, I have wanted an intimate relationship, yet also been terrified at the prospect of being that close with someone.

fluoride in toothpaste for children

Request: For many years I have avoided consuming poisonous substances and as such have been avoiding fluoride toothpaste. Naturally, therefore, I have never given either of my two children fluoridated toothpaste.

Wholeness and the Implicate Order, by David Bohm

Bohm "described and delineated the implicit/explicit and enfolded/unfolded paradigms of reality. (The consciousness level of Bohm’s work is 505.)" -- Truth vs. Falsehood.

"soli Deo gloria"

a Latin term for Glory to God alone... As a doctrine, it means that everything is done for God's glory to the exclusion of mankind's self-glorification and pride. Christians are to be motivated and inspired by God's glory and not their own -- wikipedia.

dark night of the soul (concept)

"a spiritual crisis in the journey toward union with God, like that described by St. John of the Cross" -- wikipedia.

The Apocryphal Gospels

A new translation of the oldest non-canonical Christian gospels, including the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Judas -- amazon.

AIM (All Inclusive Method) Program

"AIM acts as a 24/7 energetic 'tune-up' for energetic imbalances… A huge bank of computers sends tens of thousands of subtle-energy balancing frequencies… to metal trays that hold the photographs of AIM Program participants, which act as holographic stand-ins for their conscious presence."


Request: 🦟

not wanting to get up in the morning

Request: What underlies this behavior?

Masjid al-Haram, the Great Mosque of Mecca

"As of 2024, the Great Mosque is both the largest mosque in the world, and the most expensive building in the world" -- wikipedia.

Remarkable Healings: Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness

"Patients, under hypnosis, claimed to have spirits attached to their bodies and energy fields, creating psychological and physical problems... Dr. Modi describes techniques that release these spirits, revealing how patients can sometimes recover within a few sessions" -- amazon.