By request

Rush (band)

"Rush were known for their virtuosic musicianship, complex compositions and eclectic lyrical motifs drawing heavily on science fiction, fantasy and philosophy" -- wikipedia.

Kamala Harris

Presumptive Democratic nominee for US President, 2024.

etheric brain

A Hawkins term for the capability of spiritual sensitivity and a unique, individual karma, i.e. the soul.

accommodating the spiritual ego of others

Letting them have the "win."


Request: (physical) pain isn't on the Map of Consciousness. Does it belong to a level already calibrated?

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

"With the expansion of knowledge to include the nonlinear nonduality of reality, it will become stunningly apparent that the most profound, radically scientific statement that is possible to make is, in fact, 'Gloria in Excelsis Deo'" -- The Eye of the I.

sacred tobacco (rapé)

Request: From the Amazon, gaining popularity around Europe. With so many spiritual seekers using this and calling it 'medicine', I'm curious about its LoC ?

"Love brings up that which is not love to be healed"

Request: One of my favorite quotes from Dr. Hawkins

Depeche Mode

...have had 54 songs in the UK Singles Chart and 17 Top 10 albums in the UK chart; they have sold more than 100 million records worldwide -- wikipedia.

Robin Williams

regarded as one of the best comedians of all time -- wikipedia.

Archangel Michael

Archangels calibrate 50,000+ according to Truth vs. Falsehood. I don't anticipate I will calibrate all the archangels, but here is one, by request.


a self-destructive pattern.

"What is meant for you will not pass you by"

Deep spiritual acceptance here.

"don't spoil it with thinking"

As spiritual students, we know thinking is overrated, but how much so?

average level of consciousness at birth

For mankind. Plus average level of consciousness change in a lifetime.