By request

higher calibration doesn't mean better

Doc reminded us. We forget.

Satan / the devil

Rather than to an entity, the names evidently refer to an intention.

Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)

Made on an estimated budget of $350–400 million, it is one of the most expensive films of all time -- wikipedia.

healthy boundaries

Part of integrity, whether for a person or a country.


Dark, milk, unsweetened and white. Also: chocolate confections.

semen retention

Benefits include a "reduction of stress or anxiety...[an] increase in motivation when it comes to your work... or the pursuit of other goals. Perhaps most obvious is the renewed sense of self-control you’ll gain from abstinence" --

EFT emotional freedom techniques

During a typical EFT session, the person will focus on a specific issue while tapping on "end points of the body's energy meridians." -- wikipedia.

Snoop Dogg (person)

American rapper and pot aficionado.

deep dreamless sleep

Request: An ADAP range would be interesting here. There's no separate self present in deep sleep. Could it be likened to unconscious union with the Divine or is it just like unconsciousness?

"under the table" employment

Request: work that is not reported to the government, taxed, or documented.

St. Matthew’s prophesied end times

Priority request: Doc said St. Matthew’s prophesied End Times is false in TvF. I think ADAP would give us a better understanding.

Fidias Panayiotou

Priority request. "a Cypriot politician and YouTuber who was elected as an independent MEP in the 2024 European Parliament election" -- wikipedia.

Psalm 23

"THE LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want ..."

Psalm 91

"Doc often stated this psalm as his favourite. Verses 14-15 are quoted in some of his books." --by request


"the condition of having no power"