By request

“Not I, but Thou, oh Lord”

Taught by Ramana Maharshi. "True surrender is the love of God for the sake of love and nothing else, not even for the sake of salvation."

“There are no certainties, only probabilities"

Calibration of this wisdom.

mantra: this is not important

Request: I feel like the ego presumes more importance about things than what is actual. It could also be good to calibrate "this is not the meaning" since importance arises from meaning.

T/F: we shift dimensions by shifting focus

Request: while writing my master's thesis, I noticed a different quality of experience when my attention is focused on writing my thesis versus when I reach for a sip of coffee or take a break in the form of conversation with my fiancée or eating chocolate.


Calibrated in Truth vs. Falsehood at 610 (peak awareness). Priority request.

relying only on God's Will for future plans

At what LoC does this become a way of life? -- request.


Request: dividing attention among several tasks with the goal of making progress on multiple fronts simultaneously.


"Meeting new people is exciting, but you should always be cautious when interacting with someone you don’t know. Use your best judgment and put your safety first, whether you are exchanging initial messages or meeting in person" -- Tinder safety tip.

"Wisdom tells us…” quote by David R. Hawkins

From Power vs. Force, chapter 24.

You Were Never Broken: Poems to Save Your Life, by Jeff Foster

Poems for accepting all that you are--including those parts of yourself that you wish you could disown -- amazon.

T/F: women live longer than men due to biological reasons

Request: Is it because of bodies themselves, like it is commonly believed?

God hears intentions, not words

Very, very true.

living in the present moment

Request: Not entertaining the thoughts of regrets of past or anxiety of future. Acknowledging that the present moment is total, complete, and perfect exactly as it is.

"A slave dreams not of freedom, but of his own slaves"

Request: A quote attributed to Cicero.

late virginity

Request: Like 30+ years old. Society tends to see something wrong with such people, perhaps for good reason... ?