statement: this life is for picking the circumstances of the next life
Request: Is this a good way to contextualize things?
"An eye for an eye makes the world go blind"
Request: Gandhi quote.
statement: everything is being done for a payoff
Request: This is something I often live by and Hawkins has said the same thing.
2024 arrest of Pavel Durov in France
Billionaire CEO of Telegram was arrested… "because of his failure to cooperate with judicial officials, including issues related to Telegram's activities. According to French police, criminal activity on Telegram went unfettered through lack of moderators" -- wikipedia.
Hale Dwoskin
Affiliated with the Sedona Method and The Secret.
The power of faith.
statement: existence is the law of universe
Priority request.
5-MeO-DMT, the "God molecule" for spiritual practice
Request: The strongest known psychedelic substance nicknamed the "God molecule" contained in the secretion of the frog Bufo Alvarius, [it is] used in spiritual practice. What is the level of consciousness of this substance... used with the intention of knowing the divine?
St. Paul (Saul of Tarsus)
Calibrated at 745 in Truth vs. Falsehood.
T/F: being in sacred places dissolves onis in one’s aura
Request: Do they leave when you’re in a church or other holy building? (Oni is the term we use for a lower astral).
cheating (infidelity)
"When a person in a monogamous relationship has an emotional or sexual relationship with someone else without their partner's consent. This can include breaking a promise or commitment" -- Google AI.
If Ye Love Me (music)
Energy of this piece by Thomas Tallis.
love is the law of the universe
Request: Calibrated by Doc at 750 (awareness).
constantly vaping
Request: In university you’ll see a lot of this— people with a vape in their hand nonstop! Always vaping no matter what, then the panic when they misplace it!
Cow's milk consumed by humans. Request: there are conspiracy theories.