By request

Andrea Bocelli: Gloria in Excelsis Deo (video)

"Too beautiful to only be played at Christmas" -- comment on video.

Childhood Disrupted, by Donna Jackson Nakazawa

How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal.


Request: It seems this is the a priori quality/illusion beyond all other illusions like fear, guilt etc. Asking on God's Power immediately resolves these negativities.

"enjoy it while it lasts"

Request: This phrase has been useful for applying the context of "this too shall pass." Although "enjoy it while it lasts" may have the connotation of nostalgia, it motivates my mind to stay focused in the present when it doesn't want to.

keeping low-calibrating hobbies (under 200)

Request: For example, playing video games is only cal. 205 as an activity and games themselves typically don't calibrate high. Should we let them be, or does it hinder our spiritual progress?

integrity is its own reward

Adhering to moral and ethical principles brings its own intrinsic benefits, even if it does not always lead to external recognition or rewards -- Brave AI.

The Satanic Bible, by Anton Szandor Lavey

By request. "With a clear-eyed appreciation of true human nature, a love of ritual and pageantry, and a flair for mockery, LaVey's Satanic Bible promulgated a gospel of self-indulgence that, he argued, anyone who dispassionately considered the facts would embrace" -- wikipedia.

I have options

Priority request: Seems like the only ignorance/bad karma people have is not knowing they have options.


Request: Someone who is emotionally stable, present-focused, and has a balanced outlook on life. Or mentally and emotionally stable : admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious.

"it's great to be alive"

Calibration of the saying.


Request: “If all is God, then to invalidate any part of it would be to invalidate God. Man, along with his expressions, being God’s creation, would least of all be invalidated by God.” — Healing and Recovery.

"the customer is always right"

Request: Used a lot within sales and marketing.

screaming, as a spiritual practice

Request: Wondering if screaming at the top of my lungs helps to dissolve anger?


"Saints" is at 550 in Truth vs. Falsehood.

"my freedom ends where yours begins"

Request: I hear this quoted by politicians around the globe. Is it truth?