Request: Book referenced in Fran Grace’s book Power of Love. Detailed account of an NDE.
statement: karma is equivalent to ignorance
Request: By not seeing the world as it truly is and creating vulnerabilities within ourselves, we suffer from the wounds and distortions that separate us from the divine... The mind, imprisoned by its conditioning, creates according to cultural narratives.
"The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations"
Request: from Robert Monroe.
keeping kosher
The core principles of kashrut aim to promote spiritual and physical well-being, as well as connection to Jewish tradition and community -- Brave AI.
"form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance" -- wikipedia.
forgiving something clears you of karmic liability for it
Request: so when you forgive yourself and others completely you are freed from all (personal) karma?
sense of humor
The source of sense of humor calibrates at 345 in Truth vs. Falsehood. In light of reality-testing capability, however, it calibrates somewhat higher.
mantra: my destiny is not in my hands
Under 200 in intention (or context), one firmly believes his destiny is of his own making: the ego Edges God Out (EGO).
Success is for You: Using Heart-Centered Power Principles for Lasting Abundance and Fulfillment
Reportedly written by David R. Hawkins.
non-pointedness of mind
Request: In “Discovery” in Ch. 7, “The Razor's Edge," there is a section called “one-pointedness of mind.” In this section he describes “non-pointedness” of mind.
"incapable of being stopped" -- merriam-webster.
belief: the whole Bible is holy scripture and everything else is occultism
Priority request: I have some close friends whom after our baptizing threw away everything (even Hawkins books and Buddha statues and Virgin Mary statues) because the Holy Spirit told them, that everything outside of the Bible and Jesus Christ are from the Satan...
clean slate (spiritual practice)
request: leaving behind what you thought you knew and starting afresh.
"focusing on form is de-energizing"
Request: Doc, from Realizing the Root of Consciousness: Meditative and Contemplative Techniques Jun 2002 (part 1/3, 1:35:44).
the payoff of an experience is the experience itself