By request

Vicente Fox

Request: a Mexican businessman and politician who was president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006. Was said to be calibrating around 560 in one of Doc’s early 2002 lectures.

Buteyko breathing method

Request: A bunch of my friends have gotten into this lately and are raving about it. It has helped with asthma, anxiety and overeating.

statement: pray, relax, leave the rest to God

Request: This appears to be the essence of supplication. Easy to remember when your wondering what to do when you come across resistance or a negative field.

tough love

Treating a person sternly or harshly with the intent to help them in the long run -- wikipedia.

mantra: I accept my power (O Lord)

God grants each of us power, according to one's level of consciousness. A lot of us refuse power that is innate to us, thinking power is immoral. Others take power that is not earned, because they are immoral.

Gladiator (2000)

Russell Crowe in the title role. “Are you not entertained?”


Request: A social network modeled after Twitter, with over 21 million users.

"experience" of no time

Request: Realization of the timeless moment. Eternity.

"You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body"

Request: Quote by C.S. Lewis. This reminded me of the teachings of Hawkins.

owning a car and driving it

Priority request: Amish communities reject owning automobiles, believing that cars can weaken communal ties.

neti neti (not this, not that)

a Vedic analysis of negation which is used in Jnana Yoga as a path to Self-realization.

The Richest Man in Babylon, by George Samuel Clason

"The content is from a series of pamphlets distributed by U.S. banks and insurance companies in 1920–24; the pamphlets were bound together and published as a book in 1926. The book is often referred to as a classic of personal financial advice" -- wikipedia.

"I believe God gives me the desires of my heart"

Request: Taken from scripture. Maybe a good belief to have as it will translate to abundance, with integrity coming from the heart's motivation. My spiritual ego resisted this one pretty hard. Psalm 37: 4: Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

On Life After Death, by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Essays discuss the meaning of life and death, the existence of life after death, and coping with the death of a parent -- goodreads.

St. John's wort for depression

Request: People most commonly use St. John's wort for depression and mood disorders. There is some strong scientific evidence that it is effective for mild to moderate depression, from WebMd.