By request

heart disease

Also known as cardiovascular disease, is a broad term that encompasses various conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. It is a leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for approximately 1 in 5 deaths in the United States -- Brave AI.

willingness to take karma from another person upon oneself

Request: At what level is it possible / seems like a good choice and what does the willingness itself calibrate at?

imagining peace on earth increases the likelihood of it

Request: Would be cool!

T/F: a high-calibrating field alleviates suffering in low-calibrating people

Will the presence of high-calibrating books, audio or people relieve some of the suffering of people who self-isolate or are in jail? By request.

checking one's likes

Priority request: I deleted social media ~3 years ago to suppress my narcissistic ego desires for validation & attention seeking. Checking my likes on posts and comments was a compulsive tendency I had. Engaging here on the forum I have noticed it come up again.

“everything is going to be okay”

In the immediate sense vs. in the ultimate sense.

"It takes years of hard work to become an overnight success."

Seems to be a weighted average of higher mind (275) and hard work (200).

Home Alone (1990)

Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern.

The Power of When, by Michael Breus

Discover Your Chronotype--and the Best Time to Eat Lunch, Ask for a Raise, Have Sex, Write a Novel, Take Your Meds, and More.


Calibrated at 905 in TvF, it "contains a mystical discussion of the nature of God, the origin and structure of the universe, the nature of souls, sin, redemption, good and evil, and related topics" --

"walk by faith, and not by sight"

Request: use of the consciousness calibration method is indicative of this.

Alzheimer's disease

A neurodegenerative disease that usually starts slowly and progressively worsens. It is the cause of 60–70% of cases of dementia... Although the speed of progression can vary, the average life expectancy following diagnosis is three to twelve years -- wikipedia.

clinical depression

A serious mental health condition characterized by persistent and intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed -- Brave AI.

mankind, Dec. 2024

A calibration of all the people on Earth, collectively.

The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking, by Phillip J. Anderson

Request: This model predicted the 2008 collapse, the 2020 recession, and is predicting another collapse around 2026. This book could help... people to gain wealth by understanding the cyclical nature of real estate which drives all other markets (including stocks and crypto).