By request

occupational burnout

Symptoms characterized by "feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one's job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and reduced professional efficacy" -- wikipedia.

Trump: The Art of the Deal

"his professional and personal worldview in this classic work—a firsthand account of the rise of America's foremost deal maker" -- amazon.

"Nothing is as it can be described..."

"...therefore, all descriptions are what a thing is not" -- Dr. Hawkins, The Eye of the I. Priority request.

T/F: everyone is spiritually gifted

Request: Could it be that everyone is spiritually gifted to a certain extent?

Siddhas: Masters of Nature, by R Palpandian

Priority request. "The author offers an easy understanding of yoga, tantra, alchemy, medicine and healing, and the occult dimensions of this ancient spiritual science through his personal experiences with the hidden Masters of the oral lineage and anecdotes" -- amazon.

"God moves in a mysterious way"

Priority request: God's actions are often not readily understood by humans, appearing inexplicable or unexpected, and sometimes even seemingly contradictory to our expectations, leaving people to trust in God's plan even when they can't fully grasp it.


Request: dude… what happened last night??

Sedona, Arizona

Regarding the Arizona town in which Doc used to live and the home of Veritas Publishing.

"sleep on it"

"to think more about something overnight and make a decision about it later" --merriam-webster.

Scott Adam's writing affirmation 15 times a day technique

Writing one's goal 15 times a day for a period of time will move one in the direction of achieving their goal, i.e. 'I, Scott Adams, am a successful syndicated cartoonist.'


Request: Where I live winter means less light, less sun, the days are shorter. I've noticed I have less energy, and it seems this happens each time during this time of year. Can using artificial light be helpful in increasing energy?

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery...

"... but today is a gift. That's why it is called present" -- Kung Fu Panda (movie) quote, by request.

“My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”

Calibration of this mistranslation.

nam myoho renge kyo

A mantra central to Nichiren Buddhism. It is the title of the Lotus Sutra and is also used as a chant to connect individuals to their inner Buddha nature, helping them bring forth wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment -- Brave AI.

Soka Gakkai

Founded in 1930 in Tokyo, it's a relatively modern offshoot of Nichiren Buddhism.