By request

"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not"

Request: A popular quote that basically says to be yourself instead of adapting your beliefs and actions to other people's opinion of you.

inviting an argument

Request: Some people seem to make a statement that invites an argument because that's how their preferred method of thinking and coming to conclusions (through arguing).

pornography addiction

Request: Continuing use after repeated attempts and desires to quit - what is the attractor field of this?

non-interference (as a virtue)

By request: “Not to be confused with apathy.”


"someone who puts a high standard on the way he behaves" --

"Beware the student of [only] one teacher..."

"... A good idea spirals into dogma when it gets applied to everything and stretched beyond the areas where it is useful. Remain open and embrace a lot of teachers." Priority request: I came across this quote and it's been bothering me since I've done this with Doc's teachings.

quality > quantity

Recognizing the value of quality as exceeding that of quantity. Also calibrated: quantity > quality.

level: God denies you nothing

Priority request: It really doesn't seem this way sometimes, lol.

"To exist is a tremendous miracle"

Attributed to Dr. Hawkins. Calibrated by request.


Calibration of number puzzle on a 9x9 grid.


Italian for "caress," an intimacy-oriented approach to sexual intercourse.

"you snooze, you lose"

You miss opportunities by not paying attention -- macmillandictionary.

T/F: alcoholism can be cured

Request: The AA view is that alcoholism (as a disease with mental, physical and spiritual components) can be recovered from, not cured.


Uncensored subscription content platform.

effective, effectiveness

"successful in producing a desired or intended result."