By request

"the final run"

Request: Doc mentions the energy of spiritual work becomes stronger and stronger, and there comes a time to really "go for the final run" where you do whatever practice you're doing without exception, all the time.

praying for the highest good

Priority request: As advised by Doc. When you don't know what the highest good is/would be, praying for awareness of it and to be aligned with it by Grace.

resistance to helping publicly, preference for helping in background

Request: Is it spiritual ego that believes staying anonymous when possible is "more correct"? Or is wanting acknowledgment indeed a lower intention compared to helping from behind the scenes?

Request: They offer personal calibrations of LoC and provide some "out-there" calibrations of the world's and individual countries' level, also claiming their founder who does the testing is at 1000.

Braco the Gazer

"Josip Grbavac, better known as Braco, sometimes called "The Gazer", is a Croatian self-styled "healer". He does not touch, speak to, diagnose, or treat the people who come to see him — rather, he stands on a platform and gazes" -- wikipedia.

Braco official gazing music

Priority request: Played during each of Braco's gazing sessions.

"Right is right even if no one is doing it..."

"Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it" -- St. Augustine.

Metta Meditation

"or loving-kindness meditation, is a Buddhist practice for cultivating compassion for ourselves and others through directing loving, friendly phrases and goodwill" -- Priority request.


Priority request. What percentage of the US Congress (House and Senate) is influenced by blackmail?

Judas Iscariot

The disciple who betrayed Jesus.

"The quality of the food influences the mind. The mind feeds on the food consumed."

Request: Quote from Ramana Maharshi. Always stood out for me, doesn't feel right.

contemplation (as recommended by Doc)

"To focus on a specific subject while attending to daily life is generally called contemplation." - Hawkins, I : Reality & Subjectivity

Lotus Sutra chanted by Nikko Hansen

Lotus Sutra is at 780 (awareness) in TvF. What is the effective, overall level of consciousness and energy (ADAP) of this chant? How is it experienced and what is its spiritual value?

Clear your Sh*t, by Dane Tomas

Request: Uses Hawkins' scale to get rid of emotional blockages. I'm skeptical if this is useful, as the author seems to emphasize on removing blockages instead of being loving and kind. He also has the extreme aim of clearing everything that's not LoC1000.

solo vs. duo calibration

Using one's own fingers vs. using someone else's arm.