Request: explores the power of our emotions and how they shape our reality. It teaches us how to use our feelings as a tool for creating the life we desire.
Veritas Publishing
Original imprint of Dr. Hawkins' books.
Request: I was wondering if it's similar to anger or it's a class of its own.
Esoteric Anatomy: The Body as Consciousness, by Bruce Burger
"offers a comprehensive health care system based on understanding the body as a field of conscious energy—a system that promotes healing, health building, and self-actualization" -- amazon.
The Ten Commandments
"a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship that play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity" -- wikipedia.
Psychology Today
Request: I love some of their articles so I’m wondering how integrous they are.
Request: There's been some out here in the Midwest lately, so I was curious about the calibration.
statement: falsehood does not have existence in reality
Request: This [statement] is in the “how to calibrate” section of Doc’s books.
"esoteric or supernatural beliefs and practices which generally fall outside the scope of organized religion and science, encompassing phenomena involving a 'hidden' or 'secret' agency, such as magic and mysticism" -- wikipedia.
T/F: one can process out spiritual or emotional blocks for another person
Request: I've heard about this a few times in the context of a relationship. Where the woman said she would feel the unprocessed stuff of her boyfriend and do the work for him, emotionally. Is this a real thing?
Spiritual Will
Priority request: Doc had the DR for the Spiritual Will at 850, so I was wondering about the ADAP result. It's one of my favorite topics from his teachings because it just makes so much sense to me.
John the Baptist
Priority request: Calibrated as 930 in TvF. Jesus held him to high a regard and said that there is no prophet greater than John.
statement: there is no such thing as gain or loss
Priority request: Seems like it is only the ego that assigns the meaning of gain or loss to events, based on what it is programmed to perceive as valuable/necessary for survival.
Priority request: "a Western Spiritual teacher, based in Spain, originating from the Sufi order. His followers refer to him as 'master' and mystic."
Pointers From Nisargadatta Maharaj, by Ramesh S. Balsekar
Priority request: Very popular book. Many claim this is of a "higher level" compared to I AM THAT.