By request

writing a letter to God

Request: I’m certain the Lord would reply.

Jungian archetypes

A concept from psychology that refers to a universal, inherited idea, pattern of thought, or image that is present in the collective unconscious of all human beings... Some examples of archetypes include those of the mother, the child, the trickster, and the flood, among others -- wikipedia.

Fire Your Doctor! How to Be Independently Healthy, by Andrew Saul

Nutritional therapy for more than 80 health conditions; How to improve one's health through changes to diet and lifestyle; Practical tips on juicing and growing a vegetable garden; The latest scientifically validated supplement recommendations.

Article 1(1) of Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany:

"Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority."

“idle hands are the devil's workshop”

Request: "suggests that people are more likely to get into trouble or do bad things when they have nothing to do, encouraging staying busy with productive activities.” - Google AI


Solitude is the state of being alone -- But given its calibration it is evidently the state of being at One.

The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell

"Examines the link between the consumption of animal products (including dairy) and chronic illnesses such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and bowel cancer" -- wikipedia. By request.

propositional logic

Request: Used in designing computer circuits, developing artificial intelligence systems, proving mathematical theorems and exploring logical relationships between concepts; used to analyze arguments, identify fallacies, and explore the nature of truth and knowledge.

Your Consciousness Can Reach Back in Time to Shape the Past (article)

"Retrocausal consciousness says that your thoughts, feelings, or decisions today might influence events in the past—not by physically changing them, but by subtly shaping how they unfolded, like ripples flowing backward in time."


Request: “Isolation refers to the state of being separated or set apart from others, whether physically, emotionally, or socially” - Google AI.

The Phenomenology of Spirit, by Hegel, 1807

Had a profound effect in Western philosophy, and "has been praised and blamed for the development of existentialism, communism, fascism, death of God theology and historicist nihilism" -- wikipedia.

reading the Consciousness Calibrations Database

"I find regularly reading the Consciousness Calibrations Database gives one a positive feeling and relieves anxiety. What does this activity calibrate at?"


Considered the cultural capital of Japan and is a major tourist destination... It is home to numerous Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, palaces and gardens, some of which have been designated collectively as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO -- wikipedia.

mastery of the psyche

"Psyche" expands on the definition of "ego" by recontextualizing the inner space of mind as a non-local, universal experience. The ego, thought to be individual and personal, in a greater context is actually impersonal, collective psyche. (Statement at 590).

negative karma inevitably runs out, unless refortified

The amount of negative, individual karma is fixed and finite, and life will process it out unless you add to it.