New Earth Relationships: A Guide For Couples In The 21st Century
"Inspires couples to awaken to their higher purpose: love relationships as a means to enlightenment" -- amazon.
Psalm 91
"Doc often stated this psalm as his favourite. Verses 14-15 are quoted in some of his books." --by request
Encyclopedia of Ailments and Diseases, by Jacques Martel
Uncovers the conflicted conscious or unconscious feelings, thoughts, and emotions at the root of nearly 900 ailments and diseases -- barnesandnoble.
The Surrender Experiment, by Michael Singer
"Singer shares how this pivotal decision to embrace the flow of life led him to extraordinary success, sustained him through times of crisis, and allowed him to cultivate profound inner peace" -- amazon. Priority request.
Martin Luther's 1543 treatise "On the Jews and their Lies"
In this treatise, he argues that Jewish synagogues and schools be set on fire, prayer books be destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, Jewish homes burned, and property and money confiscated -- wikipedia.
The Power of Intention, by Wayne Dyer
Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way.
The Book of Slides
The Complete Collection Presented at the 2002-2011 Lectures with Clarifications, by David R. Hawkins.
Calling in "The One", by Katherine Woodward Thomas
7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life.
Hara: The Vital Center of Man, by Karlfried Graf Dürckheim
"The classic text on balance, inner calm, and the cultivation of tranquillity using the age-old techniques of Zen masters" -- amazon.
Tao Te Ching
The teachings of Lao Tsu are listed at 610 in Truth vs. Falsehood. Taoism is at 500 (TvF).
From Suffering to Joy: The Path of the Heart
"a method of self-discovery that can help bring harmony to your life and help you build truly intimate relationships." by Prem Baba, 2013.
Wholeness and the Implicate Order, by David Bohm
Bohm "described and delineated the implicit/explicit and
enfolded/unfolded paradigms of reality. (The consciousness
level of Bohm’s work is 505.)" -- Truth vs. Falsehood.
The Apocryphal Gospels
A new translation of the oldest non-canonical Christian gospels, including the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Judas -- amazon.
Remarkable Healings: Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness
"Patients, under hypnosis, claimed to have spirits attached to their bodies and energy fields, creating psychological and physical problems... Dr. Modi describes techniques that release these spirits, revealing how patients can sometimes recover within a few sessions" -- amazon.
Atlantean Secrets, by Samuel Sagan
Request: A book series on consciousness. Very respected author and the claims of reading the book series will allow you to tap into different worlds of consciousness. Says that much how the humans of today mastered the physical world, the Atlanteans mastered the world of consciousness.