Art / Symbols


"A crucifix (from Latin cruci fixus, meaning "one fixed to a cross") is a cross with a representation of Jesus' body, or corpus. It is a principal symbol of the Christian religion, primarily used in the Catholic, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox Churches" -- wikipedia.


Request: In Eastern Europe and Orthodox Christianity, people and church give huge respect to icons and see them as ''window'' in a way, to God and Saints. How much effect do they have on consciousness and do they really invoke Saints, miracles, etc...

art as a spiritual practice

Request: How much does making art, drawing, painting, etc.. effect our soul and consciousness? Many say that art is a good way to evolve mentally, emotionally, and in a way spiritually as well (depending on the school of thought of course).


Request: A spiritual symbol of a snake eating its own tail, representing the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Christ the Redeemer (statue)

The statue is located at the peak of the 700-metre (2,300 ft.) Corcovado mountain overlooking the city of Rio de Janeiro -- request.

Sistine Madonna, by Raphael (painting)

Over and again, this painting has been hailed as 'supreme among the world's paintings' and accorded the epithet 'divine' -- Hans Belting, art historian.

Yin/Yang Tai Chi symbol

"seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another" -- wikipedia.

"evil eye" protection symbol

"The evil eye symbol, also known as the nazar, is a widely recognized and ancient symbol of protection against negative energy, jealousy, and malevolent glances" -- Brave AI.

Krishna image, accuracy to his real face

Priority request: Supposedly this picture was materialized and could be an accurate depiction of Krishna.

Maltese cross

chiefly associated with the Knights Hospitaller (Order of St. John, now the Sovereign Military Order of Malta) -- wikipedia.

Coexist (image)

Request: commonly seen as a bumper sticker. (All versions calibrated as one).

The Course of the Empire - painting, 1836

Request: Impressive and magnificent work of art by Thomas Cole.

Pieta, by William Adolphe Bouguereau

1876 oil on canvas depicting Mary holding the body of Jesus removed from the cross.

symbol of the lotus flower

Priority request. Lotus flowers are renowned for their ability to blossom with such unblemished perfection from the murky waters of even the muddiest pond. Thus, they have become a poignant symbol for mankind's ability to break free and bloom from the murkiness of our daily lives --

Corporate Memphis (art style)

Widely associated with Big Tech illustrations in the late 2010s and early 2020s, it has been criticized by most as uninspired or dystopian -- wikipedia