

Calibrated reluctantly. Request: it might seem a strange request but such behavior is often unconscious. It would be very helpful where the answer lies.

snake charming

Request: the practice of appearing to hypnotize a snake (often a cobra) by playing and waving around an instrument called a pungi.

work hard, play hard

A way of being at this level...

bucket list

an itemized list of goals people want to accomplish before they “kick the bucket” — or die --

doing creative work, as a spiritual practice

Priority request: writing, making art etc., with a spiritual intention.


Request: Pretending to be someone else online, often in a romantic context... the motivation is to scam others for money however experience tells me this isn't always the case. Some catfishers get nothing but the thrill of emotional manipulation or pretending to be something they are not.


“Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual” -- wikipedia.


Request: to appear behind or in front of someone when their photograph is being taken, often doing something silly such as making a funny face.


Level of this activity, by request.

Nordic bath: alternating hot and cold water therapy

Priority request: I’m wondering about the benefits of cycling between hot (sauna, steam or hot tub) & cold (bath or lake), alternating back & forth a few times. Many claim it’s beneficial for lymphatic drainage, circulation, metabolism & the nervous system.

therapeutic journaling

Priority request. An "internal process of using the written word to express the full range of emotions, reactions and perceptions we have related to difficult, upsetting, or traumatic life events" -- see PDF

being at the wrong place at the wrong time

"in a situation where something bad happens to you because you are unlucky, not because you do anything wrong" --

backpacking (travel)

low-cost, independent travel, which often includes staying in inexpensive lodgings and carrying all necessary possessions in a backpack -- wikipedia


A stage of growth between Courage and Trust.

praying by schedule

Request: For example, deciding to pray every day in the morning and before bed – and following the schedule without ever forgetting.