Robert Perry

"Founder of the Circle of Atonement and the author of numerous books and booklets based on the Course. Among these are the popular An Introduction to A Course in Miracles and Path of Light: Stepping into Peace with A Course in Miracles" --

"I see only the past" (spiritual practice)

From ACIM Workbook lesson 7.

David Hoffmeister

"He is a modern-day mystic and non-dual teacher who has been invited to 44 countries and 49 states to share the message of Love, Oneness, and Freedom"

Gary Renard

ACIM teacher and author, with the aid of channeled beings Arten and Pursah, of The Disappearance of the Universe.

mantra: I accept my Holiness

ACIM Workbook, lesson 285. Request: Maybe for use with conduiting to the "where" since much anguish cleared the instant after stating this.

"Behold his sinlessness, and be you healed"

From ACIM lesson 357

Marianne Williamson

ACIM-inspired writer and 2020, 2024 US presidential candidate.

Absence from Felicity, by Kenneth Wapnick

The Story of Helen Schucman and Her Scribing of A Course in Miracles

T/F: Jesus Christ was the source of A Course in Miracles

Many students of ACIM believe this is true because it is referred to in the text by Helen Schucman but Doc mentioned the White Brotherhood were involved --request

"Healing is accomplished the instant the sufferer no longer sees any value in pain."

From A Course in Miracles

Jorge Pellicer

Spanish-language ACIM teacher, calibrated as a spiritual teacher.

William Thetford

ACIM guy