Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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human psyche: concept, essence

Defining "human psyche" as the collective attractor field for being human is of comprehensive validity, spiritually and psychologically, as it comprehends and transcends the human realm.

statement: after death, you become the context

Priority request: The context (intention) calibration determines one's earned afterlife (Heaven or hell).

The Well-Lived Life, by Gladys McGarey

A 103-Year-Old Doctor's Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age.

enlightenment is liberation from the human psyche

The human (collective) psyche is an attractor field that makes being human a subjective, experiential reality. It "invents" the small self and its corollaries, e.g. the presumption of separation from God. Full awareness of this absurdity is the realization of classical enlightenment.

there is no mistake that cannot be corrected

A relief to the apparent burden felt by the small self.

"If you were below 200, you wouldn't be here"

Request: Sometimes said by Doc and Susan during video lectures to audience members asking whether they are at least over 200. Was it a white lie? Or true in the context of attending lectures?

karmic merit (concept)

"a type of karmic currency that is earned through good actions and intentions. It is a central tenet of Buddhism that actions and intentions have karmic consequences, and that merit and demerit accumulate over time to determine the quality of one's life" -- wikipedia.

ignoring someone so they will like you

Request: I am aware that this is manipulative, and it even seems sociopathic to me. However, I was given this "dating advice" recently by someone and would like to know how it calibrates.

T/F: a human with bad karma can reincarnate as an animal

Priority request: Do we only reincarnate as humans or is it possible to go "backwards" to less aware life forms?

no mercy for the small-self

Killing the ego as a way of "spiritual progress." Also calibrated: mercy for the small-self.

seeing only the best in others or oneself

Is ignoring negativity a workable way to approach life? Also calibrated: seeing only the worst in others or oneself.

percent of Hawkins' students under 200, 100

Projection of negative intention may occur in any spiritual or religious environment yet be difficult to discern, particularly due to the accepted correlation of energy with level of consciousness.

believers and fanatics

On the spiritual journey, believers cultivate their own reality-testing, while fanatics indulge in a special relationship with dogma.

mantra: I dwell in the love of God

Setting aside the mind and all its mentalizations.

Thomas Keating

"Keating was known as one of the principal developers of Centering Prayer, a contemporary method of contemplative prayer" -- wikipedia. Priority request.