Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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Great White Brotherhood

Priority request: An order of people out there with some bold claims. They claim to be in service to God and humanity. One came to me in a time of great emotional strife, and I'm wondering if I'm being sent the assistance I've been praying for, or if I'm being preyed upon.

level: feelings / instincts are the source of life

Request: “But if my body tells me I’m hungry and I don’t eat I’ll die!”

Brian Begin

Priority request: founder of FEARLESS. Brian helps students build levels of confidence that allow them to achieve success and connect with people. Personally his embodiment practices has helped me get out my head and helps me stay connected to what I am actually feeling.

Cato Institute

Priority request: "an American libertarian think tank which advocates for a limited governmental role in domestic and foreign affairs and strong protection of civil liberties" -- wikipedia.

How old was the oldest person who ever lived?

Priority request: This is more of a for fun request, however, there are many swamis and gurus and so called enlightened masters throughout history who have claimed to be over 200 years old. I wonder how long these bodies can really last, at most?

reject condemnation (article)

Rejection and disapproval are in the level of courage, the "battleground" of keeping healthy boundaries intact. Doc calibrated disapproval at 240 in TvF. He contrasted "disapprove" with "condemn," assigning the former to "higher mind" and the latter to "ego mind."

Who Says - Selena Gomez & The Scene

Priority request: It's a really nice song about self love that I like to listen to when I feel insecure.


"System of healing and guided change. It uses the manifesting power of words and phrases to resolve negative beliefs, to let go of fear and trauma, and to lift the burden of grief or physical pain" --

going to your happy place

to imagine a place that makes you feel calm and happy. It can be a physical location, activity, memory, or interest that brings one happiness -- BraveAI.

higher calibration doesn't mean better

Doc reminded us. We forget.

Osho / Rajneesh

He was viewed as a controversial new religious movement leader during his life. He rejected institutional religions... In expressing a more progressive attitude to sexuality he caused controversy in India during the late 1960s and became known as "the sex guru" -- wikipedia

Satan / the devil

Rather than to an entity, the names evidently refer to an intention.

the peace of admitting "I don't know"

In the radical honesty of not knowing, feeling neither lack nor a burdened obligation to find out.

Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)

Made on an estimated budget of $350–400 million, it is one of the most expensive films of all time -- wikipedia.

healthy boundaries

Part of integrity, whether for a person or a country.