"an illuminating view of our predicament in an age of overwhelming anxieties and gives guidance on how to choose, judge, and act during such times" -- amazon.
Big stick ideology
"As practiced by [Theodore] Roosevelt, big stick diplomacy had five components: possess serious military capability, act justly toward other nations, never to bluff, to strike only when prepared to strike hard, and to be willing to allow the adversary to save face in defeat" -- wikipedia.
level: life is suffering
Request: "…that’s clear. There is no more basic, irrefutable truth. It’s basically what God tells Adam and Eve, immediately before he kicks them out of Paradise" -- 12 Rules for Life, Jordan Peterson.
level: control is responsibility
Errors ensue when control is equated with responsibility. Compare: order is responsibility.
resistance is control
It has been said all suffering is due to resistance. Then why resist? It's for want of control. This ego posture persists until all control is surrendered to God.
concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas; likely to succeed or be effective in real circumstances; feasible. suitable for a particular purpose -- Oxford Languages.
consciousness calibrator (occupation)
The value provided in having cultivated expertise in this area.
akashic records
"a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred... encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane" -- wikipedia.
“Beliefs are the determinant of what you experience.” David R. Hawkins
From book “The Map of Consciousness Explained” page 298
request: maybe somewhere between fear and terror?
déjà vu / deja vu
"a feeling of having already experienced the present situation" -- Google.
"an alternative medicine technique whose proponents claim that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health" -- wikipedia.
statement: reality is eternally beautiful
Calibrated alternately with lower-case "r" and upper-case "R."
learning "useless" skills
Request: Sometimes one happens to enjoy something that can't be monetized, doesn't lead to spiritual growth and is unlikely to be appreciated by others. It can feel like misusing one's lifetime... Is it spiritual ego trying to cut off that which it considers to be "unworthy"?
"well, that's just your opinion, man"
A version of "Yeah? Well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man," from The Big Lebowski. Exhibits a posture that can be helpful in preserving psychic boundaries.