Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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T/F: angels in human bodies are targeted by lower astrals

Are angels who incarnate in a human body a special target for demons? If so, the angel in a human body experience is different from regular human experience.

level: I am not subject to negativity

Request: As an alignment.

Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership

Request: Written by Joseph Jaworski, it explores the idea that true leadership is about cultivating a mindset and environment where collective understanding, relationships, and commitments align to shape a meaningful and synchronistic future.

natural law

Request: a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern their reasoning and behavior.


engaging in sexual activity frequently with different partners or being indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners -- wikipedia.

Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence, by Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure

To trust in God’s will is the “secret of happiness and content,” the one sure-fire way to attain serenity in this world and salvation in the next --

Apple Inc.

Technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California


able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions -- Oxford Languages.


"her 61 year old physical body purified itself and transformed into a youthful, attractive, very white rainbow body. Her silken hair flowed down her back. She became as beautiful as a sixteen year old maiden, ravishing to behold, and sat up in the sky for seven days" -- tibetanbuddhistencyclopedia.

Tibetan tantric practice

seen in the Hevajra tantra which states "By passion the world is bound, by passion too it is released" and "one knowing the nature of poison may dispel poison with poison" -- wikipedia.

Sukhasiddhi Foundation

"ancient practices of Tibetan Buddhism in an atmosphere that supports, enlivens and radically changes our daily lives. Most of the practices and teachings of the Shangpa lineage come from two fully and completely awakened women, Sukhasiddhi and Niguma" --

you are where you're supposed to be

At any given moment.


News company.

Absolute Surrender, by Andrew Murray

"All these searchings and hungerings and longings that are in your heart, I tell you they are the drawings of the divine magnet, Jesus Christ."

holding in mind the worst, best scenario

Have awareness of what you're holding in mind, as awareness activates a field, for better or worse.