Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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"glutton for punishment"

a person who is always eager to undertake hard or unpleasant tasks — request.

chaos vs. control (article)

The ego is an agent of chaos and the spiritualized ego is an agent of control. Yet they actually belong to the same attractor. Each is but one side of an identical, dualistic attractor field. Because they're the same field, the karma of control is chaos, and the karma of chaos is control.

"Picture life exactly as you'd like it to be..."

"...then let go of all the blocks to it being that way." Priority request: Doc said this at the start of one lecture right after saying "nothing is causing anything" (which he always said). It surprised me when he said it because it sounds very law of attraction-y to me.

intentional sleep deprivation

Request: Was thinking that it may have some spiritual benefit, despite depriving the body from what it supposedly needs, just like fasting.

mantra: I seek not to judge but to understand with compassion and forgiveness

Request: A mantra I do often when driving, it seems to help.

Encyclopedia of Ailments and Diseases, by Jacques Martel

Uncovers the conflicted conscious or unconscious feelings, thoughts, and emotions at the root of nearly 900 ailments and diseases -- barnesandnoble.

statement: spiritual progress carries over to the next lifetime

Request: I suspect this to be true to some extent, but repeating this helps unload my expectations for my spiritual progress.

percentage of dreams that are actually visitations of other realms

Request: On average, how often does it happen?

Quote by Epictetus...

"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best."

Recall Healing

"... not a panacea and does not pretend to make miracles; but when this work with Recall Healing is well done, it helps the person to 'shift' toward a new viewpoint which contributes to optimize the healing process" --

returning shopping cart theory

Request: a person's moral character and ability to self-govern can be determined by whether they return their shopping cart to its designated area or abandon it somewhere else in the parking lot.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

"America's final resting place for those whose remains have not been found or identified inspires reflection on service, valor, sacrifice and mourning." It is located in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, United States.

romantic gestures

Request: Even if impractical, are they important in relationships?

military officer

Calibrated as an occupation.

awareness of being aware (spiritual practice)

Request: Main teaching of Rupert Spira.