Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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Also calibrated: tattoo obsession and face tattoos.

The Perennial Philosophy, by Aldous Huxley

"drawing on a diverse array of faiths, including Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Christian mysticism, and Islam—Huxley examines the spiritual beliefs of various religious traditions and explains how they are united by a common human yearning to experience the divine" -- amazon.

"no good deed goes unpunished"

a sardonic commentary on the frequency with which acts of kindness backfire on those who offer them -- wikipedia.

monkhood / monasticism

by request: "a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work."

the "highest good" calibration

Highest good calibrations ascertain the most workable option when making a decision. However, the future is neither known nor knowable. Results, therefore, are based on what is present and actual in Consciousness.

The Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough for Westerners

Request: excellent reading that I looked fwd to do every day. Then I started reading Bhagavad Gita As Is, a book calibrated very high... and I'm struggling to continue after reading 1/3 of it. I was wondering how the two would differ in calibration.

Francis Lucille

Francis’ teachings reflect those of his guru: appreciation for humor, art, music, and poetry, intellectual rigor with a “personal” twist due to his training in Mathematics and Physics, emphasis on the body and its feelings -- francislucille.


A regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure -- Oxford languages.

"fight fire with fire"

to use the same methods as someone else in order to defeat them -- request.

making a mountain out of a molehill

over-reactive, histrionic behaviour where a person makes too much of a minor issue -- wikipedia.

The Cloud of Unknowing

Calibrated at 705 in TvF, this 14th-century work of Christian mysticism is the inspiration for practices such as Centering Prayer and Christian meditation.

George Floyd

A court determined he was murdered by a white police man. Prior to that, Floyd was celebrated as a martyred saint. However, his calibration is most consistent with being a career criminal. Calibration of social impact and personally.

having a business

By request. Includes the normative range within consciousness for having a business.

statement: consciousness calibration is all one needs to reach enlightenment

By request.


a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior -- merriam-webster.