Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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"an alternative medicine technique whose proponents claim that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health" -- wikipedia.

statement: reality is eternally beautiful

Calibrated alternately with lower-case "r" and upper-case "R."

learning "useless" skills

Request: Sometimes one happens to enjoy something that can't be monetized, doesn't lead to spiritual growth and is unlikely to be appreciated by others. It can feel like misusing one's lifetime... Is it spiritual ego trying to cut off that which it considers to be "unworthy"?

"well, that's just your opinion, man"

A version of "Yeah? Well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man," from The Big Lebowski. Exhibits a posture that can be helpful in preserving psychic boundaries.

The Diamond Approach

Priority request: Recommended by a friend. A spiritual practice centered on 'Diamond Inquiry', where individuals explore their inner experiences to uncover deeper truths and essential qualities like love, joy, and peace.


the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something; activity involved in maintaining something in good working order; attention and management implying responsibility for safety --

New Earth Relationships: A Guide For Couples In The 21st Century

"Inspires couples to awaken to their higher purpose: love relationships as a means to enlightenment" -- amazon.


Increased frequency of sauna bathing is associated with a reduced risk of sudden cardiac death, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality --wikipedia.

Great White Brotherhood

Priority request: An order of people out there with some bold claims. They claim to be in service to God and humanity. One came to me in a time of great emotional strife, and I'm wondering if I'm being sent the assistance I've been praying for, or if I'm being preyed upon.

level: feelings / instincts are the source of life

Request: “But if my body tells me I’m hungry and I don’t eat I’ll die!”

Brian Begin

Priority request: founder of FEARLESS. Brian helps students build levels of confidence that allow them to achieve success and connect with people. Personally his embodiment practices has helped me get out my head and helps me stay connected to what I am actually feeling.

Cato Institute

Priority request: "an American libertarian think tank which advocates for a limited governmental role in domestic and foreign affairs and strong protection of civil liberties" -- wikipedia.

How old was the oldest person who ever lived?

Priority request: This is more of a for fun request, however, there are many swamis and gurus and so called enlightened masters throughout history who have claimed to be over 200 years old. I wonder how long these bodies can really last, at most?

reject condemnation (article)

Rejection and disapproval are in the level of courage, the "battleground" of keeping healthy boundaries intact. Doc calibrated disapproval at 240 in TvF. He contrasted "disapprove" with "condemn," assigning the former to "higher mind" and the latter to "ego mind."

Who Says - Selena Gomez & The Scene

Priority request: It's a really nice song about self love that I like to listen to when I feel insecure.