Request: "Is the essence of the Halloween day beneficial to humankind? It's a well known day of celebration, but the 'theme' is horror."
statement: there is objectively bad taste
Request: People often say that there isn't, and that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". But that kinda sounds like relativism and an excuse to not feel bad about liking something really tasteless. Or is it being judgmental, and people are right?
Included in this is the belief that all events are decided by fate and are outside human control, hence humans have no power to influence the future or indeed the outcome of their own thoughts and actions -- wikipedia. Priority request.
Friday the 13th (1980 film)
"a major box office success, grossing $59.8 million worldwide. Critical response was divided, with some praising the film's cinematography and score, while numerous others derided it for its depiction of graphic violence" -- wikipedia.
Hillary Clinton
She was the 67th United States secretary of state..., a U.S. senator representing New York from 2001 to 2009, and the first lady of the United States... from 1993 to 2001. A member of the Democratic Party, she was the party's nominee in the 2016 presidential election -- wikipedia.
“Choice supersedes karma; and can overrule it, or change it by the act of the will”
Request: This is a quote from Dr. Hawkins in “The Eye of the I”. If true - it could be huge.
solitary confinement
a form of imprisonment in which an incarcerated person lives in a single cell with little or no contact with other people -- wikipedia.
level: there are no justified resentments
Priority request: Contemplating this during applications of the Sedona Method.
"slow and steady wins the race"
"Persistent, consistent, and diligent progress, even if it is somewhat slow, will produce better results than rushing to get somewhere or achieve something, as the latter can result in mistakes or may prove unsustainable or unreliable" --
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Calibration of the book.
"the way to a man's heart is through his stomach"
Request: I just had a delicious sandwich and wondered at what level this statement calibrates?
The Chosen
Crowdfunded Christian TV Series about life of Jesus and Disciples.
forgiving the lower astrals that have inhabited my being for everything
Priority request: Inspiration and sudden influx of compassion for all suffering …also the realization that naivete is not compassion.
statement: there is nothing I can possibly do that God would condemn
Request: any condemnation merely seems to be a function of the spiritual ego and, I presume, karma.
running from yourself
Request: I wonder, how many actions are just an escape mechanisms from person’s inner world?