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article: is man innately sinful?

One may see himself as a source of negativity (rather than an impersonal field being the source) and actually accept it as the nature of reality. This positionality owns and embraces "sinful nature" as if it is innate to being human.

"by their fruits, ye shall know them"

"the character and nature of a person or thing can be judged by their actions and the results of those actions" -- brave AI.

marijuana: recreational, spiritual, medical

Medical marijuana is at 235 [awareness] in Truth vs. Falsehood.

Russell Brand

"On Sunday, April 28, 2024, Russell Brand was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church" --

Coronation of Jesus as a King of Poland

"after a vote in April of 2016 by the Polish parliament, Jesus Christ was set to be officially crowned the King of Poland" --

statement: we are all animals

Depends on context. Calibrated by request.

fate (concept)

Priority request. "The development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power" -- merriam-webster.

Doc's belief-canceling technique

"I am an infinite being; I am not subject to that. I am only subject to what I hold in mind. This does not apply to me, and I hereby cancel it and refuse it."

Healing and Recovery, by David R. Hawkins

"These holistic lectures were first presented to a variety of recovery organizations and clinicians from diverse backgrounds. The emphasis is on recovery in its fullest sense - mental, physical, psychological and spiritual" -- amazon.

Neanderthal man

Priority request. "The size of the Neanderthal brain shows that Neanderthals were probably intelligent. On average, they had larger brains than modern humans" -- wikipedia.

Athens, Greece

Priority request. "one of the world's oldest cities, with its recorded history spanning over 3,400 years, and its earliest human presence beginning somewhere between the 11th and 7th millennia BC" -- wikipedia.

Fear, by Thich Nhat Hanh

Priority request: This is a book I want to get my friend for his birthday. My friend has bad anxiety and I think this would help him. He is only mildly interested in spirituality, so I don't think he would like Doc's work, but I read Fear a wild ago and found it really helpful.

mantis (insect)

Cannibalistic species whose "camouflage hides it from predators and also makes it inconspicuous as it stalks or awaits victims" -- By request.

George Soros

Hungarian-American billionaire hedge fund manager who donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundations -- wikipedia.

Love and Be Free: The Basis for a New Society

"we have to have the courage to face our own deep wounds that cause us to bring negativity into our love connections," by Sri Prem Baba, 2018. Priority request.