Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast

Priority request: There is something about him that people like. Rogan's peaceful argumentative style and vulnerability seems to captivate a very large audience as he hosts the most popular podcasts in the world.

Alex Jones

Radio host Jones has described himself as a conservative, paleoconservative and libertarian -- wikipedia.

T/F: the 2024 US Presidential election has already been rigged

Priority request: It would be nice for us Americans to know, so we don't waste our time by going to the polls.

Supercharged Self-Healing, by RJ Spina

Subtitle: A Revolutionary Guide to Access High-Frequency States of Consciousness That Rejuvenate and Repair. The book "shares the unique seven-step healing system that he used to overcome chest-down paralysis and chronic illness."


Request: Is it inherently bad? Is there some positive application?


The expressed level of power at which one could be said to show personality.


Request: I was wondering if there's an integrous aspect of bodybuilding. Possibly as a hobby or a recreational activity or even an art form. The term "Natural Bodybuilding" is used these days to show there is a strong emphasis and disapproval of drug use. "Body-building fixation" is at 185 in TvF.

Modal Soul, album by Nujabes

Request: Seems uplifting.

Teal Swan

"a New Thought Leader and a Bestselling Author who is an expert in human development and relationships. She has over a decade of experience working with people of all walks of life with a mission to reduce human suffering" -- her YouTube channel.

Leo Gura

"My style of personal development emphasizes: integrating hundreds of diverse perspectives, very big picture understanding, existential investigation, and pragmatism. My aim is to understand life at the deepest levels possible."

Frank Yang

Request: a youtuber who claims to be fully enlightened and teaches others on meditation and spiritual practices.

awkward silence

"an uncomfortable pause in a conversation or presentation" -- wikipedia.


"causing or feeling uneasy embarrassment or inconvenience" -- Google dictionary.

telling the truth while knowing that you'll be hated for it

Request: Is it wise to tell the truth when it's obvious that it will lead to hostile reaction? Or should one read the room and stay quite until it is safe enough?

number of beings on the planet over 600 (October 2024)

Includes calibrations for 2024, 2023 and 2021.