crying from the beauty of life, how wonderful life is
By request.
The Book of Mormon
Presented as modern scripture delivered on gold plates by an angel for Joseph Smith to translate using seer stones. Smith stated it is "the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book."
"What the thinker thinks, the prover proves"
"This idea is based on the fact that our senses filter what we see, hear, and taste based on our thinking. This can make illusions seem more believable, but they are still illusions, and are just thought, not reality" --
feeling like God is mad at you
Priority request: Is it fear of God? Or maybe guilt and the expectation of punishment? Or projected anger? It comes over me often lately.
economist (profession)
"Within this field there are many sub-fields, ranging from the broad philosophical theories to the focused study of minutiae within specific markets, macroeconomic analysis, microeconomic analysis or financial statement analysis" -- wikipedia.
percentage of violent crime towards women or children due to pornography
Priority request: How much of a problem is hardcore pornography? It would be good to know if it should possibly be banned.
T/F: Trump was subject to a lower astral energetic attack during the debate with Harris
It would explain his combativeness and missteps.
relics of the 12 apostles at the Chapel of the Holy Cross
Request: Supposedly there are the bone fragments of each of the 12 apostles and two saints at the Chapel. Are they real?
Buddha statues in the home
can it bring peace, positive energy, good health and prosperity? By request.
"The desire to let it go must be equal to that which created it in the first place"
Request: Said by Doc in the video just after 7:30.
rating people's appearance
Request: Typically on a scale of one to ten. It would probably be naïve to deny that some people are good-looking and some are not. But still, it's kind of mean. Does the range include integrity?
leaving on a high note
departing from a situation, such as a job, project, or relationship, while maintaining a positive and successful impression -- Brave AI.
T/F: Doc knew that his work would be continued by groups like this
In a lecture, he mentioned that other teachers would come along.
T/F: undiscovered, medium to large mammals live on Earth
Priority request.
T/F: Kamala Harris wore audio headphones during her debate against Donald Trump
Request: After the debate, close-up photos appeared on social-media of Kamala Harris wearing clip-on earrings that are a brand of audio headphones. Is this real?