Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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Calibrated at 540 in Truth vs. Falsehood. Priority request.


the largest Nordic country and the fifth-largest country in Europe... Sweden has a population of 10.6 million... 88% of Swedes reside in urban areas -- wikipedia.

“The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me…"

… apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love” -- attributed to Nisargadatta Maharaj (Priority request).

statement: life is meant to be enjoyed

Yes, but where does that get us? Answer: independence.

Magnificat: IV. Et misericordia

The Magnificat is the Virgin Mary’s song of praise to God after one of the Bible’s greatest wonders: the angel Gabriel visiting her with the message that she is to be the mother of God’s son -- YouTube.

mantra: Thy will be done

Asking that God’s will be done is a demonstration of our trust that He knows what is best. It is a statement of submission to God’s ways and His plans. We ask for our will to be conformed to His --

resolution of animal / angel conflict

"Mankind lives in the realm of tension between emotional instincts and the counterbalancing power of spiritual awakening (i.e., the animal/angel conflict)" -- I: Reality & Subjectivity.

intimacy with God

The energy experience.

As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen

Described by Allen as "A book that will help you to help yourself", "A pocket companion for thoughtful people", and "A book on the power and right application of thought" -- wikipedia.


Priority request: the state of being free of the effects of drugs and alcohol.

Is That All There Is? by Peggy Lee

Request: The mature spiritual aspirant is one who has explored the ego’s options and false promises of happiness. The ego’s final song, after examination, is represented by a famous singer’s poignant song, “Is That All There Is?” -- David R. Hawkins.

effect: removing social media under 200... your personal life. By request.

Loreena McKennitt (music)

Energy of music. Sample...


"the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy" -- Google dictionary.

laughing (energy)

Innate energy of laughing, on average.