Request: a recurring thought that doesn't feel right… as a result I behave more masculinely and dominantly.
Christmas Day
"a religious and cultural celebration by billions of people around the world" -- wikipedia.
offsetting the negativity of local conditions
Level at which negative potentiality is diffused or dispersed whereby life energy manifests constructively instead of being drained.
sleeping in class
Request: did this a lot hehe.. it felt difficult to stop myself.
Request: Seems like a pretty serious problem. In the US, 40.3% of adults 20 and older have obesity, according to the CDC. What’s the field? (Data from August 2021 - August 2023).
Aaron Swartz
Priority request. Computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer, and Internet hacktivist who, after years of federal prosecution for illegally downloading protected MIT academic files, took his own life. He is often credited as a martyr and a prodigy -- wikipedia.
feeling of being deceived by God
Request: e.g. God didn't give you what you worked for in life, what you deserve.
doing or achieving a lot : working hard and getting good results · producing or able to produce something especially in large amounts -- merriam-webster.
"ears are burning"
Priority request: the expression which usually connotes a certain level of discomfort with the idea that you are being talked about "behind your back." Level of intuition or paranoia? Or perhaps somewhere in the middle?
benzodiazepine withdrawal
Request: Maybe the lowest hell I’ve experienced… crippling anxiety and doubt about ever being able to function normally again. Also, one of the only withdrawals that can cause death (along with alcohol). Would greatly appreciate ADAP data 🙏.
hitting rock bottom
Request: I've not had huge success with this, as it felt like it just kept getting lower, so I'm curious about its calibration.
“reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes” — thefreedictionary.
asking for God's mercy
a common practice among Christians.
"If you have not accepted the past, you have not accepted the present"
Sri Prem Baba quote from his book From Suffering to Joy.
refusing negativity
Letting go and refusing negativity are powerful but diametrical spiritual postures. Included: a short article of explanation.