Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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love with attachment, possessiveness

Not actually love, obviously. By request.

seeing life as a big comedy

By request.


"as simple as walking or sitting barefoot outdoors, and if that isn’t an option, you can use indoor grounding products that generate the same benefits conveniently while you sleep, relax, or work."

just sitting with eyes closed for 40 minutes

Please calibrate: Sitting with the dhyana Mudra. Close eyes or slightly open, staring softly downwards. That’s it... if the mind wanders or not, it doesn’t matter. Just a sustained, regular daily practice with the intention to sit without seeking enlightenment, or even if it’s seeking enlightenment.

going to church on Sunday

One of the most popular spiritual practices in the world.


In 2017, the world pizza market was US$128 billion, and in the US it was $44 billion spread over 76,000 pizzerias -- wikipedia.

The Owl Was a Baker's Daughter, by Marion Woodman

Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa and the Repressed Feminine. "Eye-opening insights into the body as mirror of the psyche in eating disorders and weight disturbances. Case studies and practical procedures emphasize the integration of the body and soul" – goodreads. Priority request.

differentiate between the things that keep you away from love, peace, calm, etc.

Calibration of the following short essay from an All-Access subscriber...

theory of multiple intelligences

Proposes the differentiation of human intelligence into specific 'modalities of intelligence', rather than defining intelligence as a single, general ability --wikipedia.


"the world's most powerful life transformation platform with a global community of changemakers that supports you" -- their website.

Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR)

Through civil rights actions, media relations, civic engagement, and education, CAIR works to promote social, legal and political activism among Muslims in America -- wikipedia.

fatigue is the result of resisting love

An answer provided in Consciousness Calibrations Community.

Nisargadatta's Law of Freedom

Request: Page 166 from the book "I Am That." One of my favorites! To me compares well with Doc's books.

sweat lodge / ceremony

"Sweat Lodge Ceremony 560" -- Truth vs. Falsehood. Priority request.

legend of Lilith

Priority request: My aunt says she's a symbol of female empowerment, independence, and resistance to oppression. "The first wife of Adam and a primordial she-demon, Lilith is cited as having been 'banished' from the Garden of Eden for not complying with and obeying Adam" -- wikipedia.