a martial art and combat sport based on ground fighting (ne-waza) and submission holds -- wikipedia.
statement: intention under 200 is not God’s Will
All karma is due to intentionality. Is it God's will for you to have bad karma? Nope. If so, God would have bad karma, which is absurd.
mantra: I exist
… as innately innocent, unprogrammable divinity.
making calibration requests as a spiritual practice
Request: Aside from the benefit of having calibrations and commentary.
Nr. 24 (2024)
Young apprentice Gunnar Sønsteby from Rjukan decides to resist Nazi-Germany on the day of the invasion to later become the leader of the "Oslo-gang" carrying out countless daring acts of sabotage making him Norway's greatest war hero -- imdb.
"what you focus on expands"
Request: the more attention and energy you give to something, the more it will grow and become a larger part of your life.
For the Children’s Sake, by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Foundations of Education for Home and School. Request: Looking into different kindergarten programs for my child that base their curriculum on this book.
developed by neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl and is based on the premise that the primary motivational force of an individual is to find a meaning in life -- wikipedia.
Request: which would include even judgment of judgment, and of oneself.
Paramahamsa Vishwananda
Described as a "God-realized master" on his website.
hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
Hyperhidrosis is common. It’s been estimated to affect between 1 and 3 in every 100 people which means there are likely to be hundreds of thousands of people living with it in the UK -- nhsinform.scot.
"showing aggressive pride in one's masculinity" -- google dictionary.
appearance vs. essence
The level when context (intention) becomes more significant than content.
Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl
"Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose" -- goodreads.
Yuga Shift, by Bibhu Dev Misra
"His reconstruction of the original Yuga Cycle framework indicates that the end of the Kali Yuga is just around the corner - in 2025! … We are living in the end-times that the ancient prophecies had warned us about" -- amazon.