"Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence." Priority request.
Jimmy Carter
Calibrated for his term as President of the United States.
"Get behind me, Satan"
'In the temptation of Jesus, in Matthew 4 and Luke 4:8, Jesus rebukes "the tempter"' -- wikipedia.
Priority request. "granting an advantage, privilege, or position to relatives or friends in an occupation or field – for instance business, politics, academia, entertainment, religion or health care. In concept it is similar to cronyism" -- wikipedia.
"an ability to understand or know something without needing to think about it or use reason to discover it" -- merriam-webster.
feeling energy
Priority request: I hear some people say “I could feel their energy”, “I can feel the energy of these crystals”, or “I can feel the energy of this space” as though to discern whether something as more or less “spiritual” or of a “higher frequency.”
divine mercy
A quality of God.
yolo, carpe diem
By request. Acronym for "you only live once" contrasted with the Latin for "seize the day."
the universe
Defined as "the totality of existence", or everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will exist -- wikipedia.
Bovaer effect on cows, milk
When added to the feed of ruminant animals, it significantly lowers methane emissions by inhibiting the activity of MCR without being incorporated into milk or meat -- wikipedia. Priority request.
Calibrated in 2005 at 255 (TvF).
Although most Swiss are German-speaking, national identity is fairly cohesive, being rooted in a common historical background, shared values such as federalism and direct democracy, and Alpine symbolism -- wikipedia. Priority request.
construction worker
A person employed in the physical construction of the built environment and its infrastructure -- wikipedia. Priority request.
Hostiles (2017)
Follows a U.S. Army cavalry officer in 1892 who must escort a Cheyenne war chief and his family back to their home in Montana -- wikipedia.