Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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Jim Carrey

"Carrey suffers from depression and took Prozac to combat the symptoms for years. He later said that he no longer takes medications of any kind and abstains from coffee, alcohol and drugs" -- wikipedia.


"the quality of being or feeling complete and not divided or damaged"

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

The biggest, non-governmental, non-profit, charity organization in Poland raising money for pediatric and elderly care -- wikipedia.

Habitat for Humanity

Request: It's a nonprofit that works to provide housing and furniture to people who can't normally afford these things. They are in hundreds of cities across the US and are a common choice for volunteers and donations.

WWF - World Wildlife Fund

International non-governmental organization founded in 1961 that works in the field of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment -- wikipedia.

Clooney Foundation for Justice

"All over the world, journalists and defenders of democracy are detained, prosecuted and jailed. Women and girls, LGBTQ+ people and minorities are subject to unfair laws and targeted for abuse. Meanwhile, the perpetrators walk free. George and Amal Clooney created the... Foundation" --

World Central Kitchen (charity)

Request: "created a new model for disaster relief helping devastated communities recover and establish resilient food systems." They are currently operating to help those affected by the crisis in Ukraine. Are they worth donating to?

lay all one's cards on the table

To be honest with other people and to tell them one's thoughts, plans, etc., in a very open way -- request.

Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage

On Catholic faith streaming service "All 12 episodes can be used in Marriage Prep or for Marriage Enrichment."

holding demons as enemies

Request: Doc said “Once it becomes your enemy, it’s got you”. Which indicates it's inadvisable to hold them as such. So I wonder how to contextualize demons, if they're not enemies.

mantra: I am in Christ, and Christ is in me

Priority request: a shortened form of John 14:20, that has brought much relief.

"read the room" vs. "set the tone"

Leadership postures. Also calibrated: "lead from behind."


An internet slang term describing someone who shows excessive sympathy and attention toward another person, typically to someone who does not reciprocate the same feelings, in pursuit of affection or a sexual relationship -- wikipedia.

frazzled nerves

A state of extreme physical or nervous fatigue and agitation, often described as being in a state of high alert and overstimulation -- Brave AI.


"A crucifix (from Latin cruci fixus, meaning "one fixed to a cross") is a cross with a representation of Jesus' body, or corpus. It is a principal symbol of the Christian religion, primarily used in the Catholic, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox Churches" -- wikipedia.