Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect

"While many self-help books deal with what happened to you as a child, in Running on Empty, Webb addresses the things that may not have happened for you. What goes unsaid―or what cannot be remembered― can have profound consequences that may be affecting you to this day."

Jiddu Krishnamurti

asserted that "truth is a pathless land" and advised against following any doctrine, discipline, teacher, guru, or authority, including himself. He emphasized topics such as choiceless awareness, psychological inquiry, and freedom from religious, spiritual, and cultural conditioning -- wikipedia.

Germany's taxation system

Request: Even though Germany is facing a huge pension problem and pensioners are receiving little money, the state decided to tax pensions also.

Brave AI

Search engine results from Brave's implementation of artificial intelligence.

avoiding that which is under 200

Is this a healthy approach? Or does actively avoiding things under 200 hinder your participation in life? --request

"There are no others"

Ramana Maharshi's answer to the question "How are we supposed to treat others?"

article: on forgiveness

When we stop taking perceived offenses personally, seeing the experience of negative "juice" for what it is, i.e. pain and suffering, the proclivity for the ego to usurp God's function comes to an end.

The Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind and Magic

Israel Regardie's "thorough, accessible examination and extension of the single ritual that has become the very embodiment of magic" -- amazon.

Huangbo Xiyun (Huang Po)

Influential master of Zen Buddhism during the Tang dynasty, he was calibrated at 960 [awareness] in Truth vs. Falsehood.

O Salutaris Hostia - Portland State Chamber Choir

Request: Almost perfect?

Gigi Young

For 135,000 subscribers on YouTube, she expounds on topics like "beings from the 8th sphere," "the mad scientists of Atlantis" and "Martians in Antarctica."

Tiger Woods

Request: "arguably [the] greatest golfer of all time, transcending the division of race through the game of golf."

books by Dr. Alice Miller

The Drama of the Gifted Child and other titles (see link). Priority request: she recommends not honouring the fourth commandment blindly, I.e. embracing recognising abuse from one's parents instead of honouring them at all costs. She says attachment to one's abusive parents is not love.

planned obsolescence

Priority request: "the practice of designing products to break quickly or become obsolete in the short to mid-term."

demanding attention

A hallmark of any under-200 field, demanding attention is in the nature of asserting control. Let God's attention be sufficient.