Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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FBI raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago home

FBI agents executed a search warrant on Monday at Donald Trump’s private residence... The raid was reportedly part of an investigation into whether the former president mishandled classified information after leaving the White House --

Guruji Sri Vast

"a Master, Mystic and Poet – teaching the celebration of life as a way to total liberation" --

baby pacifier

Request: What's the overall effect?

fundamentalism about Doc and his teachings

Including "no one may teach what Dr. Hawkins taught" and "David didn't authorize [fill in the blank]," this conceit supposes Doc's work and consciousness calibration ended with his passing.

rejection of falsehood

The basis for integrity and an essential quality for spiritual ascendancy.

rejection of truth

Can't maintain non-integrity without it.

chaining dogs for the purpose of guarding property

Request: Whenever I see such dogs I can't help but question the integrity of it.

Love Centered Parenting, by Crystal Paine

Request: I’ve been reading this parenting book about letting go of expectations for our children and simply parenting through love and God.

article: handling the spiritualized ego

The spiritualized ego does not want you to forgive yourself for anything, ever, for therein lies its power over you. Nor does it permit acceptance of your fallible, human nature which is prone to making mistakes in the trial-and-error "school of life."

septoplasty, rhinoplasty

Breathing issues affect many and septoplasty surgery straightens the septum to improve breathing, while rhinoplasty surgery is done mostly for cosmetic reasons. Both are common procedures and often they are performed at the same time.

Meteora Monasteries, Greece

Priority request. "Meteora was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1988 because of the outstanding architecture and beauty of the complex, in addition to its religious and artistic significance" -- wikipedia.

blissing out

"the state of bliss precludes ordinary activity" -- Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, Hawkins.

health effect of high indoor CO2 levels

"Indoor CO2 beyond 1,000 ppm can reduce concentration and cognitive performance and cause harm at increasingly high levels. This can have high costs to productivity, academic performance, and health in workplaces and classrooms" --

Let me see this with love, O Lord!

Priority request: A way to recontextualize. The shift in reality is immediate and profound.

art therapy

Art therapy can be used to help people improve cognitive and sensory motor function, self-esteem, self-awareness, and emotional resilience. It may also aide in resolving conflicts and reduce distress -- wikipedia.