Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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Logically Fallacious, by Bo Bennett

"This book is a crash course, meant to catapult you into a world where you start to see things how they really are, not how you think they are. The focus of this book is on logical fallacies, which loosely defined, are simply errors in reasoning."


"a segment of conservatives who support extreme right-wing ideologies, including white nationalism and antisemitism" -- (The topic was calibrated without this definition, but it fits).

Space Engineers (Video Game)

"One of the best Indie Games I‘ve ever played. I‘ve bought it back in 2014 and I have now more than 4000 hours in SE. This game has endless possibilities and a ton of mods, and especially the mods are the reason for me to start SE up almost every night" -- YouTube comment.

Kriya yoga

"controlling prana (life force) by distilling prana from the breath and thus recharging the body cells... the cells are recharged by the reinforced bodily life-force and the cosmic life; the physical cells therefore neither change nor decay" -- Yogananda.

Paramahansa Yogananda

"an Indian-American Hindu monk, yogi and guru who introduced millions to meditation and Kriya Yoga through his organization, Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF)" -- wikipedia. Calibrated in Truth vs. Falsehood at 540.

T/F: the body may be dematerialized / materialized by Kriya yoga

Because Yogananda (cal. 540 in TvF) said so.

Autobiography of a Yogi

A spirituality classic from 1946 by Paramahansa Yogananda.

Mahavatar Babaji

"According to Yogananda's autobiography, Babaji has resided for at least hundreds of years in the remote Himalayan regions of India, seen in person by only a small number of disciples and others." --wikipedia

Yogananda's story of meeting Babaji

Request: Yogananda and others report meeting Babaji and getting lessons from him. Yet we have Doc calibrating Babaji as false. Is Babaji a spirit that never had a physical body?

Andrew Tate (influencer)

He is an ex-kickboxer who has recently taken the internet by storm with his controversial beliefs about society -- request.

“pain is the background of all [your] pleasures”

Request: Maharaj’ words on page 36 in “I’m That.”

amor fati ("love of fate" philosophy)

"The world around you, it is what it is. The events that happen, they are what they are. The people in your life, they’ll do what they do. Accept them. Understand them. Empathize with them" --


"Some experts liken willpower to a muscle that can get fatigued from overuse" -- Yep, force is temporary and depletes.

The Emotion Code

How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love and Happiness by Bradley Nelson

Tony Robbins

Celebrity motivational speaker, author, business and life coach.