An ego postulate that boosts experiential energy, which **seems** to make it true.
on loving relationships
Communication is gently through the Spirt rather than the directness of speech, which is subject to misinterpretation.
kundalini yoga
Calibrated at 510 [highest awareness] in Truth vs. Falsehood. The ADAP calibration measures effect in all dimensions.
Leeor Alexandra
Self-love, Growth & Empowerment, Law of Attraction YouTuber with 615,000 subscribers.
Dolores Cannon
"best-selling author and past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of Lost Knowledge" -- wikipedia.
The Legend of Starcrash, by Dolores Cannon
Did the American Indians descend from the inhabitants of an alien spacecraft that crashed in the Alaska-Canada region thousands of years ago? -- amazon.
Meditation Nexus (YouTube Channel)
Request: I had some profound experiences with the meditations on this channel, and I'm wondering how it calibrates.
Jacob Collier
English singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer and educator... Collier is the first British artist to receive a Grammy Award for each of his first four albums -- wikipedia.
paradigm blindness
Lack of awareness of one's context or intention whereby meaning is presumed to be a fixed absolute rather than subjective, based on framing.
"Bypassing the mind" meditation style of Dr. Hawkins
Request: In chapter 4 of "Discovery of the Presence of God", in Q&A section, there is a question "What should one focus on in meditation?"
love without truth, truth without love
To be constructive, you need both.
The Economist
focuses on current affairs, international business, politics, technology, and culture --wikipedia. Was calibrated at 445 in TvF [for awareness].
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, by Karol Truman
"offers a 'script' to help process the feelings, replacing the negative feeling with a new, positive outlook. A chapter on the possible emotions below the surface in various physical ailments gives the reader plenty to work with on a deep healing level" -- amazon.
buying a subscription and downloading all the materials
By request. Effectively, are subscriptions offered to provide access during the period of the subscription, or after, as well?
Neo-paganism is calibrated at 180 in Truth vs. Falsehood. "Pagan Gods of Rome" are listed at 100.