Request: How the new science of plasma physics is shedding light on spiritual experience.
“Break my heart for what breaks Yours”
Request: Lyric from Hosanna by Hillsong United. Compassion?
mindfulness of speech
Request: asking oneself if what one is about to say is true? Kind? Necessary? etc…
January 1946, under pressure from the Allies, the Emperor formally renounced his divinity. Hirohito played a crucial role in recovery of postwar Japan and reintegration into the international community, though his wartime role remained controversial -- wikipedia.
Open Society Foundations
International grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros. Active in more than 120 countries around the world ,"we care about freedom, democracy, and human rights."
"down to earth"
A realistic approach to apparent problems.
reading the Bible as a spiritual practice, devotion
Request: Reading the Bible daily as a way to improve one’s God consciousness, devotion to God.
jumping to a false conclusion
Leaving out essential context and deciding.
Jane Goodall
English primatologist and anthropologist. She is considered the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees -- wikipedia.
International Criminal Court (ICC)
"has faced a number of criticisms from governments and civil society groups, including objections to its jurisdiction, accusations of bias, Eurocentrism and racism, questioning of the fairness of its case selection and trial procedures, and doubts about its effectiveness" -- wikipedia.
Cancer can be let go and processed out, but it requires surrender at great depth.
inflation by "specialness"
An ego postulate that boosts experiential energy, which **seems** to make it true.
on loving relationships
Communication is gently through the Spirt rather than the directness of speech, which is subject to misinterpretation.
kundalini yoga
Calibrated at 510 [highest awareness] in Truth vs. Falsehood. The ADAP calibration measures effect in all dimensions.
Leeor Alexandra
Self-love, Growth & Empowerment, Law of Attraction YouTuber with 615,000 subscribers.