Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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Alex Soros

US billionaire philanthropist George Soros has handed over the running of his $25bn (£19.9bn) financial and charitable empire to his son Alex -- bbc.


The source of cuteness.

Traditional Latin Mass

The priest faces the altar with the people, offering a sacrifice to God, present in the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the tabernacle. With the exception of the sermon to the people, the Mass is sung, chanted, or spoken entirely in Latin --

"I exist, therefore I'm loved"

Calibration of the statement.

Alexander Poraj-Zakiej (Zen master)

Chief of the biggest meditation and mindfulness center in Europe, in Benediktushof, Germany. He leads seclusion [retreats] in Germany, Spain, Schweiz and Poland. He also is a coach -- request.

delving into childhood to address current issues

Priority request: "Not all issues or types of therapy require you to delve into your childhood. However, understanding your past is often crucial to the healing process" -

Planet Fitness

Priority request: It is known for its low cost membership and the company's "Judgement Free Zone" marketing emphasizes a welcoming and non-intimidating environment.

virtue signaling

Expression of a moral viewpoint with the intent of communicating good character -- wikipedia.

T/F: the muscle test is the second coming of Christ

Is consciousness calibration a spiritual way the religious prophecy is already fulfilled?

Namaste greeting (añjali mudrā)

Namaste is usually spoken with a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest. This gesture is called añjali mudrā -- wikipedia.

surrendering level of consciousness to God

vs. preoccupation with one's level of consciousness.

seeing beyond "the maze"

Request: The realization that there is a viable pathway beyond the ego.

The Power of Neuroplasticity, by Shad Helmstetter

The breakthrough scientific discovery that every thought you think rewires your brain, and changes your life -- subtitle.

"There are no more experts"

Realized in a constructive rather than skeptical way.

lower mind vs. small self

A discussion of the lower mind's takeover of the small self on an individual scale and in society as a whole.