request: you don’t have to do anything all the time
wind chimes
"a decorative arrangement of pieces of metal or glass or pottery that hang together loosely so the wind can cause them to tinkle" --
Anima Christi (song)
Soul of Christ, sanctify me / Body of Christ, save me / Blood of Christ, intoxicate me / Water of Christ's side, wash me
abdicating one’s power
request: also, what is a good way to mitigate this? It often occurs to me, that even by fighting to reclaim it you have already bought the premise that your power is vulnerable?
hallelujah / alleluia
"a phrase in Christianity used to give praise to God" --
sunk-cost fallacy
"the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial" -- Google dictionary
request: I've noticed I have and aversion towards slouching, but that's maybe not too helpful
loss of character
request: acting or behaving uncharacteristically
contemplation: what would God do?
Request: I recall you mentioning this once. Seems to be a good way to reach a higher alignment
"the film industry based in Mumbai, engaged in production of motion pictures in Hindi language" --
request: what level is bad?
contemporary Christian music
"a genre of modern popular music, and an aspect of Christian media, which is lyrically focused on matters related to the Christian faith and stylistically rooted in Christian music" -- wikipedia
positive re-programming
request: consciously programming oneself with positive content