Priority request: as “every hair is counted”, it seems like a futile task nevertheless
"to interest oneself in what is not one's concern : interfere without right or propriety" --
"the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offence or revealing confidential information" -- Google dictionary
intention: to give
request: in contrast to acquisition and gain
kick in the butt
"A forceful gesture or message of some kind (usually delivered with good intentions) that acts as motivation to the (previously unmotivated) recipient" --
"an inner impediment to free activity, expression, or functioning" --
statement: doom is the endpoint of the ego
request: that is, at the level of doom, the ego has used up all of its illusions.
bats (animal)
“a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night” — Cambridge dictionary
“I” as that which moves between the levels and dimensions
This "I" is nonresistant to local conditions, with neither attraction nor aversions to shifts in ways of being.
dancing, as a spiritual practice
Harmony with the body. Getting lost in the moment. You become one through the movement, letting go of the mind. The body becomes an instrument of worship. Expressing joy and gratitude to God.
smoker's cough
a persistent cough that results from damage to the airways caused by toxins in cigarette smoke --
mantra: Christ is my authority
request: might be helpful to resolve crown chakra stuff
statement: what I am is innocent regardless of what I think I am
request: or identify as. Because all fields are innocent
Khanda (Sikh symbol)
"It consists of three weapons and a circle: the khanda, two kirpans and the chakkar which is a sharp circular throwing weapon" -- wikipedia
bardo (Buddhism)
What is it like, this "state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth"?