contextually inappropriate truth-telling that renders harm to oneself or others
"the less said, the better"
used to say it is better to not say anything about something because it is bad, unpleasant, etc.
beat the system
"To circumvent rules, regulations, or conventions, usually by finding loopholes" --
"Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates."
Quote by Nisargadatta Maharaj
"a quality that exists without a personal self or decision to activate it. Curiosity, one might say, is an independent, impersonal quality of consciousness and is universal throughout the animal kingdom." -- The Eye of the I
inspiring / inspiration
Tending to enliven, motivate, or exalt --american hertitage dictionary
"a strong urge towards a particular way of life or career" -- Google dictionary
"fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of religious, political, or other ideals" -- Google dictionary
"something that gives hope, determination, or confidence" --
"Heaven and Hell are only one-tenth of an inch apart."
Zen saying
"evident without proof or reasoning" --
"an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior" -- Google dictionary
T/F: there are no dangerous thoughts
request: it seems to me that it is not the thoughts themselves that are potentially dangerous, but rather the belief in them
ad blocker
"a piece of software designed to prevent advertisements from appearing on a web page" -- Google dictionary
Objective Personality (typing)
Variant on the Jungian model, but with more parameters. "We use the scientific method to define and track personality on a spectrum of 512 types." -- their website