
capybara (rodent)

"a South American mammal that resembles a giant long-legged guinea pig. It lives in groups near water and is the largest living rodent" -- Google dictionary

Nexo (crypto exchange)

request: offers interest rates on fiat and cryptocurrency that might seem almost too good to be true. I wonder what is the AD calibration of this platform?

Russian roulette

"a potentially lethal game of chance in which a player places a single round in a revolver, spins the cylinder, places the muzzle against the head or body (of the opponent or themselves), and pulls the trigger" -- wikipedia.org

sage bath

Request: entering a relatively confined space, and then firing up a bunch of sage or incense in order to clear up negativity in one's aura

statement: I will be as God knows me

Request: I guess, maybe, in a sense it is an illusion to be something you are not. I tried calibrating “this is how God knows me” for different memories and attitudes, and I got “no” for so much of it. But for the spirited, that which feels close to my heart, it was a big “YES”

Cigarette brands (product)

Request: Among the top five, are their cigarettes all above 200 (AD)?

statement: there’s a fine line between inner freedom and inner anarchy

With this realization, you've learned to identify imminent, negative fields as an option to be refused rather than engaged, experienced or struggled with. You only need say "no" to it.

Prayer life Stink? A short guide on how to talk with God, not to God

YouTube video embedded

statement: I am not in control

Request: All my life there has been this sense that I am not in control of anything, that I’m merely a spectator of it all. I wonder if this could be worthwhile to affirm and align with


request: maybe a step up from self-indulgence? 😃

statement: suffering is a waste of time

request: and I guess we all know Doc told us to waste no time


“take violent action against an established government or ruler” — Google dictionary

statement: God doesn’t care about your unintegrous thoughts

request: a disappointment to the spiritual ego and a relief to your true self? Haha

contemplation: I

Request: Just holding in mind “I”. Nothing extra

pathway of relaxation

Just taking it easy, not needing life to be an action movie. Effortlessly drawn to your destiny, spiritually speaking.